Janette Kenny

Archive for August, 2008

Last hurrah of summer

Labor Day is here, and I’m laboring. 🙂

All good stuff though. I finished my final line edits (FLEs) for my debut Harlequin Presents today. It was a good thing to revisit this story, because I always have these big doubts. But I got weepy at the ending which I hadn’t expected to do. Hope the readers are equally moved.

Since spring (or longer) I’ve been whining about my kitchen and my great desire to paint the horrible walls. It was way overdue, in part because of putting it off during Mom’s long health ordeal.

I jumped in yesterday, and … Read the rest »

Adios summer

I have five rooms that need painting inside, and I have the paint on hand for two of them. So why haven’t I jumped in and got at least one job done?

Hmm, well, writing deadlines for one. Full time day job for another.

I swear I don’t know where the summer went. I swear. Seriously.

I’d like to have another month between July and August. I’d like to call it Breeze. As in breeze through a month without care instead of counting minutes and knowing you damn well don’t have enough.

It’d be an easy going month. A vacation … Read the rest »

Pint(s) of pickled peppers

I have a confession to make. I’m addicted to jalepena peppers.

There are just a few meals that won’t benefit from having a pepper (or two) as a condiment. I’d enjoyed Santa Fe Grande peppers for years, but the high salt was beginning to bother me. Not in a raise in blood pressure, but retaining fluid. Ick. Plus, I don’t like really salty foods in excess

So I switched to jalepenas which didn’t seem as salty, and packed more punch. I’m one who has always liked hot spicy foods, a preference inherited from my mom. I don’t care how hot … Read the rest »

Complimentary coffee

Our office installed a coffee machine in the waiting room this week. I was not for this idea initially, because I’ve had some really bad coffee from these machines before, as well as bad experiences.

Anyone remember the old type machines that would drop the cup, then the coffee would dribble into it? Anyone remember the cup not dropping, but the coffee dribbled out anyway?

This machine is a quantum leap from those dark age machines.

It has a wide variety of coffee, from latte to cappacino. There’s chai tea (yum) and hot chocolate. It has a safety feature so … Read the rest »

Learning to heel

I’ve been a bad dog mom regarding Samson’s training. If I knew do-diddlly-squat about training a dog it wouldn’t be a bad thing.

But I know. I went through an extensive dog training class with Bear, my keeshond that I had for 14 years and lost about 2 years ago. She was smart, and trained fairly easy, could do tricks. In fact, ask my cousin Mike who swears Bear was the smartest danged dog he’d seen.

I trained Bear from baby puppy of 16 weeks on, and we bonded and learned together.

Sam is a whole different story.


You all … Read the rest »

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