Janette Kenny

Archive for 'Modern romance'

Pirate Tycoon

I had a fab surprise waiting for me when I got home from work today. A box with half dozen hardback copies of Pirate Tycoon, Forbidden Baby.

Sure, I knew I’d get a few copies of this first edition. Yes, I’ve been anxiously awaiting a glimpse of the cover.

You see, my heroine is preggers, and I couldn’t imagine how they’d do the artwork and still make it sexy. Well, wow, they did.

I’m just thrilled that the cover gods smiled on me again. Soon, I hope to be able to post the cover on my website. It’s still not … Read the rest »

Learning to heel

I’ve been a bad dog mom regarding Samson’s training. If I knew do-diddlly-squat about training a dog it wouldn’t be a bad thing.

But I know. I went through an extensive dog training class with Bear, my keeshond that I had for 14 years and lost about 2 years ago. She was smart, and trained fairly easy, could do tricks. In fact, ask my cousin Mike who swears Bear was the smartest danged dog he’d seen.

I trained Bear from baby puppy of 16 weeks on, and we bonded and learned together.

Sam is a whole different story.


You all … Read the rest »

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