Janette Kenny
Front page news

Woohoo, I made the front page of my local paper, and in a good way. This was my first interview, but it went well. Check it out. 🙂 Oh, in the real version, they had my pic and the cover of One Real Cowboy. Verra cool.

Celebrate Romance Conference

This past weekend was fun and eye-opening. It’s always good to hear the readers take on our novels, and the majority were very eager to share. Not surprisingly, some don’t have a good grasp on how the industry works, and how little imput the author has in some aspects. (Like covers, release dates)

But all in all it was a good small conference, very laid back and peopled with some big names in the industry. I was happy to meet and talk with some of my fav authors. In no particular order: Jenna Peterson, Lorraine Heath, Lori Wilde, Patricia Rice, Cathy Maxwell, Cindy Kirk, Elizabeth Hoyt, Vicki Lewis Thompson, Sandy Blair, Melody Thomas.

The talks by authors were short but very informative and entertaining. Jenna Peterson and Jade Lee could be standup comics, imo.

I picked up books by new-to-me authors as well. The food was fabulous and way too much. 🙂 I did my first ever signing and sold out. YAY! And I’ve posted a few pictures on my website.

So now it’s back to work, after my first interview with a reporter in about an hour. Catch you all later.

ORC sighting

If you’ve been waiting for my debut to hit the shelves, the wait is over.

I got an email from Anita yesterday. She’d spotted One Real Cowboy at Walmart, bought and read it. And loved it. Yeehaw! Thanks, Anita!

If you see my hunky cowboy hero, please blog on and tell me where.


Gigi Hicks is the winner of my short contest this month. She wins an autographed copy of THE BOY NEXT DOOR by Amy Knupp. Congrats, Gigi!

I’ve been tagged!

Friend Liz Kreger tagged me to list ten weird facts about myself. So here goes. 😀

1) 99.999% of the time I can’t pronounce abominable (as is the snowman/Yeti)

2) I eat jalapeno peppers with nearly every meal, and despite my grandmother’s prediction, I haven’t burned out my stomach or set fire to the toilet paper.

3) For a good chunk of my young life, I preferred being around horses rather than people.

4) The radio is almost always on.

5) I love talking with a British accent, partly because I’m a ham and acting is a natural, and partly because my grandmother (the other one) was from Wales and her unique accent impressed me at a young age.

6) Bagpipes at a funeral bring me to tears.

7) Going backward fast makes me hurl.

8) I’m a sucker for gadgets.

9) Socks annoy me, so I rarely wear them unless it’s cold or I’m wearing boots.

10) I’d rather drive a truck than a car.

Ok, that’s my list. I’m tagging Michelle Willingham and Larissa Ione. 😈

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