Janette Kenny
Friday 13th

I’m either overfeeding Sam, or he’s eating stuff he shouldn’t while I’m at work, or he’s caught some puppy virus stuff. Actually it’s probably a combination of all of them.

Sam got me up early with that urgent whine that dog owners just now means “I gotta dump a load now.” So we avert a disaster and Sam rushes outside to do his business.

Cool. I drink a cup of coffee and sorta watch the morning news so my brain will begin to function before 6:00 am, then I take a shower after the danger of drowning myself llike a turkey in a rainstorm has passed.

So I’m now dressed for work with semi wet hair, and I let Sam back in so I can feed him. He’s not his usual bouncing off the walls self, but we had a crappy stormy night and I’m attributing his logginess to that.

Me? I was up till midnight proofing a manuscript that I emailed to an editor. More on that later. 🙂

So I fix breakfast and eat it while I do a quick check of email. I smell doggie poop. I don’t get terribly alarmed, because Sam let’s bombers that burn your eyes. He’s a puppy. He sucks in a lot of air running around acting stupid. That air has to go somewhere, lucky me.

But as I head to the kitchen the smell is stronger. And it seems to be following me. This realization hits me the same time Sam stands on his back legs and plants his front paws on my boobs.

Yep, no denying the odour of dog crap is in my face. It’s also on his right paw, and on the rugs, and on my scrubs top.

I have to leave the house in fifteen minutes.

I haven’t brushed my teeth and put on makeup. Not usually a problem. But I now had dog doody on my clothes.

And Sam is making that plaintive “I gotta shit” sound again.


I get Sam outside, then brush my teeth, slap on makeup, and change clothes. As I head toward the door running a minute behind, I see the brownish spots on my rugs. And I still smell dog crap. How did I miss this before?

Somehow I managed to step in the “gift” Sam dropped on the floor.

Changing shoes would’ve been smart, except I got the bright idea to wash my other pair of work shoes last night. So they’re wet.

I have to clean the doggy doo off my shoe.

Right now, I’m now loving Sam so much. Not loving much of nothing because I don’t have time to clean the crap off the rug.

I get to work with a few minutes to spare. Yay, me!

So how did the rest of the day at work go? It was Friday the 13th, and let’s just say I’m glad the work day is over! Well not entirely. I still have a rug to clean.

Here’s the Deal

It happened. Finally.

Kensington offered a three book contract for a trilogy of western historical romances. These stories will have a strong central tie that won’t be resolved until the last novel.

I’m thrilled, dancing on clouds with this contract.

As a bonus, I was totally surprised when Publishers Marketplace picked up the news and announced the deal. Dear Author also picked up the same link, so click here if you want to read the short blurb. Talk about validation!

More good news to come, so check back.

Busy, busy

Nearly 30 days later, I surface from my writing cave and squint at the sun.

I’m sorry I haven’t kept up with my blog. I tried going a stint with the fabulous gals at Magical Musings. They are good friends, and I loved being a part of their blog. BUT, I just don’t have the time to continue as I should with their schedule. Do visit them often.

My day job keeps me very busy, and my writing life takes up the rest of my time. I’m not complaining, as things are beginning to fall into place on both counts.

I hope to be able to announce the new deals that have come my way. Too early yet to divulge, but hint, hint there will be more western historical romances from me, and the addition of contemporary works as well.

So hang around for the announcements. Don’t know when I’ll get the green light, but it shouldn’t be too much longer. Yeah, I said that about the contracts too. There are facets in the publishing worl that move unbelievably slow.


I just found out that One Real Cowboy is a finalist in the More Than Magic contest. This is my first final with a published novel, and I’m doing the happy dance. 🙂

Thank you preliminary judges!!!

What a month!

April has been absolutely wild. I knew going in that if I made it to the end of the month and accomplished my goals and commitments, I could face just about anything later on.

I had a requested novel to finish for Harlequin Presents, which I’m very excited about and am hoping it advances me up the food chain in the writing world. And I had a multi-book proposal to finish for my Kensington editor, which I’m doubly excited about because I really love the western romances. Western authors get short-sheeted enough.

So if my publisher will get behind me on these, I’d be a happy camper. The icing would be the Presents proposal. Publishing can be a cruel world, so we’ll see…

The Chicago conference was a blast, and I’ve a few pictures on my website. I hope to post more about it soon.

So far I’m enjoying my new job, but it’s still too new and I’m still very much in the “learning phase” to be impartial.

May should be the Spring of my life. 🙂

But to end April on a nice bang, please drop by Petticoats and Pistols tomorrow. I’m guest blogging then.

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