Janette Kenny

Archive for July, 2009

One Real Man finals!

I got the news today that One Real Man is a finalist in the Aspen Gold contest. Woot! In celebration, I’m giving away a copy. To win, comment to this blog and tell me who is your favorite hero in a western historical romance. I’ll draw a winner Aug 5.… Read the rest »

RWA Conference 2009

I just returned from the RWA Conference head in Washington DC and it was awesome. For one thing it is always wonderful to connect with friends. Typically this is the one time I get to spend time with a friend and there just is never enough time.

But I also meet and made new friends which is always a plus. The crowd of attendees at the conference and the signing seemed lighter to me. Maybe the room was simply larger? 🙂

At any rate I could almost say I ate my way through DC. There were dinners and luncheons nearly … Read the rest »

Doin’ the happy dance

Pirate Tycoon Forbidden Baby hit #56 on Bookscan’s adult romance fiction list for the week ending July 5, 2009! This is just so mindboggling cool. 🙂

I have a blog up at Writeminded. Pop over and leave a comment for a chance to win an autographed copy of Pirate Tycoon.… Read the rest »

Big butterfly

I live in Kansas and we have a lot of butterflies around here, but I’ve never seen one anywhere near the size of the one that was waiting for me when I got home from work.


I spotted him on the rose trellis by my back door. Hindsight here, I should have tried to hold up a ruler while taking the picture of the butterfly but, well, hindsight. Need I say more?

The trellis links are 2 inches apart so he easily has a wing span of 4 inches plus. I’ve no idea what type of butterfly this is. I’m … Read the rest »

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