Janette Kenny

Archive for September, 2006

Finally surfacing

Wow, it’s been a grueling month with revisions, compounded by my mom being very ill. Not so easy to stop in the middle of edits (especially if it’s one of those intense scenes) and rush to doctors and hospitals. I can’t just tuck the worry away either when I get back to the computer, at least now right away. But I finally got it done before deadline. Yay!!!

Mucho thanks goes to multipubbed author and cp Sharon for the brainstorming session over the phone. Talking out and resolving a plot problem was invaluable, especially since it was done two weeks … Read the rest »

Picture me pounding the keyboard

No, I didn’t drop off the face of the earth. I’ve been busy doing edits on My Sweet Thief, and it’s coming along really well. Actually I wasn’t sure but Amy and Karin assure me it’s good, so I’ll take their word for it. Which of course is a huge relief since I have to hand this over to my editor the end of the month.

I also was able to get down the gist of a secondary’s big problem so I could write his story, should my publisher want another story. Yes, I’m being optomistic so I don’t go … Read the rest »

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